
Showing posts from August, 2016

My best friend was not good for me

Hello! Tomorrow will be three weeks being nicotine free.  It can be difficult to admit to an addiction.  When we do bad things to our bodies we can justify them as long as other people are doing these things as well.  For me, there were people at work that smoked, and a good portion of my friends smoked.  This happened to me over several years as the addiction crept into my life.  As I started tapering down it quickly became evident how much other people smoked.  It was not gross when I went out to smoke every hour, but now I see others leave and come back on this self inflicted schedule and it looks very depressing!  My sense of smell has started to return and my appetite for food is more regular.  I would often confuse the feeling of hunger with a need for nicotine so meals would get delayed and my overall energy level was not what it would have been if I had been giving my body the proper nutrition, and consistency with the time of day that I ate.  The smell of smoke on others is